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It's been a while and I decided it's time to start updating my blog. The problem was that my blog was on a different website - English squared. So, as it's Easter - a celebration of the triumph of life over death, and of new beginnings, I thought it would be a great time to combine my two sites into one.
I apologise for my absence, life has been a whirlwind of chaos and unexpected events that have kept me away from writing. You know how it goes – work, family, personal stuff – it all piles up and before you know it, it's been months since you've written a single word.
But I'm not here to make excuses. I'm here to say sorry and to make it up to you. Because, let's be honest, you guys are the reason why I started this blog in the first place. It's for you that I write, and it's your support and feedback that keep me going. So, thank you for sticking around, even though I've been MIA for a while. Having said that, I feel that I should say for the benefit of new readers: any feedback is welcome! Good or bad but hopefully mostly constructive, pop it into the contact me box and hit send.
Now, as I know some of you might be new here, so let me introduce myself. My name is Tony, and I'm a dad, teacher, writer, blogger, gamer and all-around nerd. I like to write about a variety of topics, from science to health, pop culture to personal development, from travel to technology. Basically, anything that catches my fancy. And I promise, even though I've been absent for a while, I'm still as witty, sarcastic, and mildly entertaining as ever.
So, without further ado, let's get to the nitty-gritty. Why haven't I posted in so long? Well, sit tight and grab a cup of tea, because this is going to be a long and ridiculous story.
An apology
Okay, let me start by saying that some of these reasons might sound made-up, but I swear they're all true. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.
Reason #1: My Cat Ate My Laptop
Yes, you read that right. My beloved fur baby decided to nibble on my laptop's power cord while I was working, and before I knew it, the darn thing was fried. I don't know how she managed to escape electrocution, but my laptop wasn't so lucky. And since I didn't have the funds to buy a new one at the time, I was stuck without a computer for a while.
Reason #2: I Fell Down the Stairs
Okay, this one's embarrassing, but it happened. I was running down the stairs (because apparently, I'm still a child at heart), and I tripped on my own feet. I tumbled down a few steps and landed on my backside, which resulted in a nasty bruise and some sore muscles. But the worst part was that I had to take a break from writing for a while, since sitting for extended periods of time was uncomfortable.
Reason #3: I Got Addicted to a Video Game
Don't judge me, okay? It happens to the best of us. I started playing this RPG (role-playing game) that was so addictive, I couldn't tear myself away from it. I played for hours on end, neglecting all my responsibilities and commitments. It was like a drug, and I couldn't get enough. It wasn't until I realized that I had spent more time levelling up my virtual character than I had spent on my writing that I knew I had a problem.
Reason #4: I Lost My Writing Mojo
This one's the most boring reason of them all, but it's the most truthful. I simply lost my passion for writing. I didn't know what to write about, I didn't feel inspired, and I didn't think anyone would care about my words. It was a dark time for me, and I didn't know how to get out of it.
So, there you have it. Those are the reasons why I haven't posted in a while. I hope you can forgive me for my silliness and my absence. Next, I'll talk about how I got my groove back and why I'm excited to start writing again.
Finding My Way Back to Writing
So, now that I've shared some of the ridiculous and not-so-ridiculous reasons why I haven't been posting, let me tell you how I finally found my way back to writing.
It wasn't easy, and it took some time, but eventually, I realised that writing was a part of who I am. It's my passion, my way of expressing myself, and my creative outlet. I couldn't let those things go just because I was going through a rough patch.
So, I started small. I would set aside 10 minutes a day to write, even if it was just jotting down some ideas or brainstorming. I didn't pressure myself to produce anything amazing or groundbreaking; I just focused on getting back into the habit of writing.
And you know what? It worked. Slowly but surely, I started to feel the spark of creativity again. I found myself jotting down more and more ideas, and soon enough, I had a few blog post drafts ready to go.
But there was one more thing I needed to do: apologize to you, my readers. I felt like I had let you down, and I wanted to make things right.
So, that's why I'm writing this post. I want to say sorry for my absence and for letting life get in the way. I'm back now, and I'm excited to share more content with you in the coming weeks.
In conclusion, life can be unpredictable and messy, but that doesn't mean we should give up on the things we love. Writing is a part of who I am, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts and ideas with you. Thank you for sticking with me, and I promise to make it up to you with some awesome new content!
Moving Forward
Now that I'm back in the swing of things, I'm determined to keep the momentum going. I've realised that it's not just about finding time to write, but also about making writing a priority.
So, I've made a commitment to myself to post on a regular schedule, whether it's once a week or once a month. I know that life will continue to throw curveballs at me, but I'm determined to make writing a non-negotiable part of my routine.
And of course, I'm not just writing for myself. I'm writing for you, my readers. I want to create content that's not only interesting and informative but also relatable and entertaining.
That's why I'm open to suggestions and feedback. If there's a topic you'd like me to cover or a question you'd like me to answer, let me know. I want to create a dialogue with my readers and make this blog a community.
In conclusion, I'm sorry for my absence, but I'm excited to be back and ready to create some awesome content. Thank you for your patience and support, and let's move forward together!
Stay tune for my next blog post: Top 10 Tips for Successful Home Tutoring Sessions
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